Page 7 - E-Safety- SIS
P. 7

As a result of the relentless nature of cyberbullying, there can be a lot of negative effects

         that students can experience, including:

               ➢ Anxiety

               ➢ Depression

               ➢ Feelings of isolation

               ➢ Changes in eating and sleeping habits

               ➢ Low Self-Esteem

               ➢ Increased school absence

               ➢ Lost of interest in hobbies and other activities

               ➢ Using alcohol and drugs to cope

               ➢ Withdrawing from family and friends

                                  What If You’re Being Cyberbullied?

               ➢ Ignore the Bully

               ➢ Tell a trusted person of friend

               ➢ Complaint to school staff or talk to parents

               ➢ Collect evidence

               ➢ Avoid Self-Blame

               ➢ Get additional support

                                          Cyberbullying Prevention

               ➢ The Principal will act, as an e-safety authority to oversee the procedures

                    framed in this policy and monitor the effectiveness.

               ➢  The e-safety authority will make sure that the school maintains the details

                   of resources that may help in preventing and to address bullying.

        E- Safety (Springdale Indian School)                                                                    7
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